Amnesia Wars

Amnesia Wars was founded by Rob Reese in the death rattle of the twentieth century, mounting scriptless productions such as Three Plays in Search of a Script, Honey Harlowe, and Psycheroticproviholicyesandsomthinvoodoo!

While never leaving improvisation totally behind, the company went on to script fully produce plays and musicals including Survivor: Vietnam!, Yahweh’s Follies, and 101 Reasons to Thank Your God for Donald J. Trump, Vladimir J. Putin, and My Dad, Who’s a Dick. After its NYC run Keanu Reeves Saves the Universe was produced in Auckland, NZ.

AW’s vivid stage adaptation of Frankenstein has become a favorite of high schools and colleges, with productions in New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, the United Kingdom, and Malaysia.

Amnesia Wars has traveled across the globe performing and teaching at improv and theater festivals, desiring to mix with the local artists and audiences, bring something with them from each stop to the next, and then back home.

The Amnesia Wars company are pioneers in the newest improvisational style: Avant Prov: an unorthodox improvisational style focused on aesthetics and emotional interaction; we make little or no attempt to mimic the world in the styles of naturalism or realism like we might in “classical” improvised scenework.  Avant Prov focuses on mixing elements of theatrical improvisation with improvisational music, dance, and even graphic art.