



using Psychological Safety, Empathy, and Acceptance

It has been our experience that while many people are excited to work the positions they have, few actually feel safe and comfortable in their roles. We believe that everyone should be afforded the opportunity to speak their mind and offer value to their work without the fear of judgement of thinking that they’re doing it “wrong”.
All too often in life, we’re told that there needs to be a certain point where you should “grow up” or “get real”. These platitudes are antithetical to the process of growth, creativity, and success. There’s nothing wrong with being serious. It’s an essential skill one must develop and wield when necessary. But we at Pineapple Improv believe that it is one that is used far too often, and has become the socially acceptable “default” for adulthood.
The art of “play” is one that should be cultivated more often without bias or judgement. This is how we connect with others. This is where the fundamental basis of trust begins. This is where people begin to feel comfortable in their own skin, as well as within their roles and positions in the workplace.
Let’s create together an environment where people feel safe and empowered to be on the outside how they feel on the inside, in turn affording EVERYONE the opportunity to bring their own talents, skills, and unique perspectives to the table without the fear of thinking that their ideas or skills aren’t as good as the next person’s.