Be prepared part 2

I’m Told I Need To Blog More About Improv…

There’s a fascinating #concept within #improv that some might consider to be a #Catch22 of sorts. “To #improvise” inherently infers for one to make it up as they go with little to no #preparation (and certainly no heads-up) in advance. But this is a misconception. We don’t simply show up and create magic out of thin air. There is a tremendous amount of #training, #study, and #practice that goes into #improvisation. And sometimes this training takes years to hone and #develop into a refined #skill.

Dig, if you will, this mental picture:

Day 1 of Med School. An inexperienced Med Student is ushered into the OR without so much as a basic lecture on how to perform brain surgery, and is now expected to operate upon the brain of the patient lying on the table. (I think we all know how this situation plays out).

Scenario 2:

Picture how the above hypothetical would be played out if that Med Student was asked to perform brain surgery after attending 1 year of Med School. Probably a much similar outcome as before, but with slightly less mistakes.

Scenario 3:

Same as before, but now with 5 years of Med School behind them. (I think you should be getting my point by now, and where I’m going with this).

Being #prepared for whatever life throws at us (wether we’re on #stage, in a #classroom, on the other end of a terrible phone call, or in a boardroom #meeting) takes practice and training. It takes hours and hours of being caught off guard so that we may #learn how to be caught ON-guard.

All of this is to say: if you wanna be like Scar (pictured below from The Lion King), take an improv class.


Take a moment


Be prepared (part 1)